Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tootles England, Hola Barcelona!

It’s hard to believe that a month has gone by already. I started and lived a different life in London. It was sad leaving a place I have called home for a month. Saying goodbye to people who have taken care of me and walked in and out of my daily life in London will be sorely missed. On my second to last night in London I decided to take one last walk down the millennium mile with nothing but my ipod and my thoughts. I walked to the London eye because I hadn’t seen it at night before and I thought there was something appealing about having my last London night mirror my first London day. While Third Eye Blind sang Motorcycle Drive By to me I stood completely alone in an empty street underneath the icy blue lights. There are very few times in my life where I can say that I was happier than I was in that moment. “I’ve never been so alone, and I’ve never been so alive” (perfect song choice if I do say so myself).

My last day in London I took my ipod with me again (I should name him Frank or Bob, any suggestions?) and decided I wanted to get myself lost so I could see something that only I would find. I got on the tube and got off at a stop called Tower Hill because I thought that maybe, just maybe, the name was hinting to the fact that I would find the Tower of London there. Imagine the irony of me walking out of Tower Hill tube station to find… The Tower of London (okay, MAYBE I was hoping I would end up there)! I took a guided tour of the Tower of London from a Beefeater (yes they really do exist, and yes they do wear the same ridiculous outfits you see on the bottle of gin. Apparently to become one you have to serve in the army for 20 years – that number could be wrong, but I was too distracted by his big red hat to remember the specifics). He told us stories of kings and queens losing their heads by guillotine and kept the whole crowd entertained by bringing us back to that time and having us yell and scream as an angry riot preparing for a beheading. Great fun! After the tour I walked around for a bit longer and saw the crown jewels. Let’s just say that after being in a room with the biggest diamond in the world, I gained an unrealistic expectation of what my engagement ring will look like (or maybe a tiara?!). After the Tower, I walked over to the Tower Bridge and walked along it twice because once wasn’t enough to experience it. I went home that evening and played tennis with Rob and his neighbor George and had a fabulous time. I was told that if I stayed there longer I could have played on the women’s team, oh well!

This morning I packed up my little London room (thanks Joshy!) and Kimmy and I headed to Luton airport to catch our plane to Barcelona! Got to the airport, got on the plane, safe flight, landed in Barcelona. Pretty dull trip. *starts to giggle* Alright I couldn’t keep a straight face with that one. Of course our adventures are never dull. We got to the airport and stood waiting in line to board our plane for over an hour. After that hour and change we realized they changed our gate number without any notice what-so-ever. We went from being the first in line at gate 24 to the last in line at gate 22. After standing there for another 15 minutes, an announcement came on and said that our gate had been changed yet again to gate 20. Well, I don’t need to see the running of the bulls while I’m in Spain because I was literally caught in the middle of a stampede of people sprinting to the new gate as if a herd of angry bulls were chasing us. As for the flight; WORST turbulence I have ever experienced in my entire life.

Right, well, I made it to the first hostel in our first country with a backpack; Barcelona! Everything is more incredible than I imagined. Our Hostel is on Las Ramblas and we have an incredible view of a gorgeous square. I have met some AMAZING people that have already had a huge impact on my life and after only 48 hours with them, I know they are people I can and will never forget. More stories to come I am sure, so stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

We miss you! x

Stace said...

Joanna, you should become a writer!

Are you taking pictures of all these places you're going to? I want to see all of these beautiful things you're describing!

Miss you girls ;-)

Anonymous said...

im a visual learner. we need more pictures!!

JoJo said...

I miss you too lyd, but I'll be back in a little less than a month and we'll have one more London adventure!! Tell mommy and daddy i said hello! :)

Stace.. I actually would like to be a writer.. maybe after I'm rich and famous I'll write a book about how im rich and famous.. ill call it... rich and famous.. sound exciting?

bradness... Im limited to internet access so pictures are going to be few and far between until I have time to upload them... besides, youve been here before so look at your own pictures while you read of my adventures :)

tigre said...

joanna.. i think you should name your ipod gilbert and on the note about bumpy flights... you have no idea what you are in for... as you recall i travelled every weekend i was abroad and let me tell you... each time i got on a plane i swore it was the worst ever, just be prepared euro flying is horrid (like my english lingo??)

Anonymous said...

Small fact check: Only the wussy French used the guillotine to execute. The Brits used the far more manly axe and block! Oh, and if you think running around between a few gates constitutes an exciting air trip, wait until the Italian Air Traffic Controllers go on strike and the farmers park tractors across the runway and the airport staff refuse to work so you have to go into the cargo section of the plane to get your bags and then haul them across the tarmac. Bon voyage tomorrow....

PS I like the name Pio for your iPod