Friday, November 7, 2008

It's up to you

Just about a month of my trip has gone by, and it would be an understatement to say that I am having an amazing time. I have been very fortunate to have been able to keep in touch with friends and family from home (some more than others; Mom & Dad: I appreciate the laundry list of things I need to do every time you call me; Malee: I think I talk to you more now that I’m out of the country, Lucy: GoogleTalk is a lifeline, Brad: your name appears in my inbox more than spam). I have really enjoyed writing about my trip, and letting everyone know about my London adventures and mishaps. Kimmy and I plan to leave to go backpacking through Europe next week, which brings me to the point of this post: should I bring my laptop with me?

I had planned from the start to bring my laptop on my trip with me so I would be able to keep up with my blog on a regular basis, to let everyone from home (both homes, the states and London) know where I was and what I was up to. However, I have been completely underwhelmed by the communication I have received through this blog. Despite my great efforts to beg people to comment on my posts, and communicate with me through this blog, I have been contacted by two people (thanks TJ and Dad). As soon as I leave my comfortable London bubble, I will be extremely limited to my time on the internet, which means no more personal emails, IMing and GoogleTalk. I would rather not risk losing my laptop or having it stolen abroad, if I am just blogging to please myself. I am very content doing what my travel buddy is doing and writing a journal in a pretty little notebook with a pretty little purple flower on the cover. So guys, it’s up to you. If you want me to continue with this blog, you need to tell me. Use this blog for it’s intended use, and use it to communicate (“to exchange thoughts by speech, writing or other means”.. key word, *exchange*) with me. If I get no feedback, the expensive laptop stays in London, and I will write my entries in an inexpensive notebook. It’s up to you!

PS. Today was my last day at my UM internship. I left today with some great friends, awesome experience, a set of new ipod speakers, and an invitation to come back to UM if I come back to London! All-in-all I'd say the past 2 and a half weeks have definitely been worth it, and it looks like I will be coming back to London to work in the future!


Anonymous said...


I have been following your blog, but no I haven't posted any comments.
Sorry, I'm not good doing such things---e-mail included.

Anyway, while I've enjoyed reading your posts, I think it would be great
to leave the laptop. Call me nostalgic or romantic, but I prefer a hand-
written journal. It's becoming a dying art, but I think it can be much better,
at least for you personally, to record your thoughts, observations and
experiences. If you so desire, you could always find a internet cafe and
type up an entry or two of things you think might be pertinent to your

Well, I miss having you here to work with, but I'm glad you're enjoying your
experience. I'd love to have you come back in January, but in all truthfulness,
if you really want and/or have any prospects for full time work in the U.K. then
you should take it---I know I would. Don't read anything into this, I just feel that
you should take full advantage of your opportunities.

Jamestown is a great safety/fall back, but if a better offer comes around then,
by all means, take it. Of course, if you decide you still want to come back to the
States and work here in good old Bristol, that's great too!

Enjoy your tour of the rest of Europe.



tigre said...


i check your blog more than facebook... fo shizzle.
as far taking mr. mac with you.... id hate for it to get "misplaced" or anything of the sort and these little electronic wonders tend to get rather heavy- however I am not sure that you can actually survive a whole month senza this connection to your mother country. give it some thought, but have no frets my friends, your blogs are my favorite part of the day!

xxxxo tigre

Lucy said...

Dearest Jo,

You are required to continue writing in this. I need updates on your life so I can live vicariously through you while you travel the world. Now that I (finally) have the link to this, you know I'll be reading. Have fun, but don't forget to come home... May and I will have plans for you that you won't want to miss!


Anonymous said...

I would certainly miss your blogs (I don't think there are enough of them!), and I'm pretty sure others would too. That said, I don't think you should let others make your decision for you....unless your aim is to guilt everyone into making more comments! I think it would be good for you to do without a laptop for a month and concentrate on the travel thing instead of the communicating thing. I really think the anonymous commentator said it best: personal diary plus internet cafes for sporadic updates. The diary you write will be something you can keep for ever, and is truly personal. A blog is just for show, amusing though it is. Travel for yourself, not others. Then, when you get back, write a travelogue that we can all share.

tigre said...

HA- your dad knows you too well... but joanna, your blog is getting some comments... good going baby!

have an AWESOME time your last few weeks abroad... try to keep on top of blogging to us- its a great distraction while im sitting here in the library for countless hours each day.

have fun & be safe & as always ill be thinking about you!!!


Anonymous said...


As much as I enjoy reading your blog, I agree with the "wise father" that you should leave the laptop at home, and write in your journal. You can always finish your blog when you return home.

We will miss you terribly for Thanksgiving - maybe one of your friends (tigre) would like to sit in for you? Make sure you and Kimmy find a restaurant that serves turkey!

Have an amazing time in all of your travels, stay safe, love you, and miss you ...

tigre said...

Mom! I'll be home in a few weeks for turkey day and I am certainly coming over !

wise adopted daughter

ps... joanna... don't forget to go to chupitos in barca

May said...

Ah, as of this moment you are flying off to somewhere fabulous in Europe and I am sitting at my desk at work. harumph.

No more G-chatting for over a month? What am I to do?!

Have fun. Don't do anything that I wouldn't do (that's not really saying much is it?)


Anonymous said...

just because we dont comment on your blogs doesnt mean we arent following them. how else would we know what kind of shananagans you be gettin yoself into over there. you are sittin on top of the world right now and we are all jealous!